Monday, August 11, 2008

What's the name of that robot from the Jetsons anyway?

So we hired our own personal maid, and she started today. She's washing the floors, dishes, taking our the trash, etc. We'll have her do windows and perhaps some shopping for us since she's from Oolongapo...she'll be able to get a better price at the market than we would. Rice, green veggies, fruit etc. Perhaps some spices as well. She will come to our house every tuesday.

I really hope it works out. We looked at a car yesterday. More on that to come. I'll unveil some pictures later... it's got character.

Melissa and I are well, we're looking around for some of our things. We moved some things around so if the maid snooped she wouldn't be tempted to take anything of value... and now we can't find where we've hidden our camera and a couple of other items. I'm just glad we noticed them missing before our maid came today, that way we know it wasn't her. It would have been awful if we had to fire her for something she didn't do.

We get our ID's for benictican (basically a small town in itself, set up in the's where we live) today, so we can feel free to leave the neighborhood, and feel good knowing that we can prove to the guards that we do indeed live here. Pretty soon we'll be interviewing for our work visas as well, which involves a pretty thorough physical. Chest x-ray to check for TB (a real issue here), blood work, dental exam, etc. They also give us a 'psychological' exam. Though from what I've heard it's a bunch of bunk. Hopefully neither of us get thrown into the looney bin.

We love you all and look forward to hearing from you. Everytime we have an email from family or friends it makes our day, so thank you for writing!

Yours, The Quattlebaums.


EmmaBfromtheWG said...

so glad you all are keeping up with the reading it and helps me get a clear picture of what you all are doing over there.

it sounds like things are going really great!!

Jacque said...

Thank you so much for doing this blog! It's so interesting to read about your experiences! I was very interested in how "studious" your students are! How different from the US, huh?!

I will be going to RBE tomorrow to start another year. I have had some of the bookshelves moved around in order to accomodate a new SMARTBoard! I'm real excited to use it with my students!

They have tiled the hallway in front of your old room, Jordan. No more dirty carpet!

Keep the blogs coming! And include more's great to see everything...and you! Oh, I hope you found the camera. :-)

My best to you! - Jacque

Unknown said...

yeah this blog rules! I'm glad you update. Besides who will be able to bail you two out of the looney bin when you both so obviously belong there.

Much love,


Michael said...

The robots name was Rosie. heh