Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in the Philippines

We have so much to give thanks for. We are truly blessed.

As many of you know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Hands down. So, needless to say, I was very apprehensive and homesick just thinking about celebrating the holiday away from my wonderful family, especially with everything that has happened.

Fortunately, we have really been accepted into the community here with open arms. While this didn't completely make up for the lack of family, it ended up being a pretty great day...and one to remember forever.

After eating dinner there and conversing with the families we decided to go over to the 'singles' Thanksgiving to hang out. Well, we got there and they hadn't even begun eating yet. We felt a little bad for barely RSVPing and then showing up but they were so inviting and kind. The food was cooked by the school's chef and it was phenomenal (not as good as Aunt Barbara's, but still tasty.) Then we chatted and went around the table saying what we were thankful for. I was so impressed by how honest and vulnerable everyone was. They didn't just give the basic answers. They truly dug deep inside and gave moving, heartfelt responses.

It was amazing. It felt like a Felicity Thanksgiving :)

1 comment:

A Little bit said...

I wish I was watching Felicity thanksgiving with you at the Max.