Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Noisy Neighbor

The above is a photo of our noisy neighbor. Daily he comes over and yells at us to let him in our windows. When we tell him that he's not invited in he just flies over to another window and tries again, like we don't know it's him at a different window.

We should be getting our new laptops sometime this week. And that's really exciting. For the past month we have been sharing Jordon's and while it's been ok, I can tell he wants his independence back. One good thing that's come of us sharing a computer is we've watched a lot of shows together. We're almost all caught up on 30 Rock, and Flight of the Conchords. And yesterday we started Burn Notice. Oh free time. As you know we've got plenty of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dJRQBN8lN0

Jordon is working on mummifying chickens with his students as they student ancient cultures. It's pretty gross, but the kids are enjoying it. Maybe he'll write more about that later?

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