Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I love these little ones.

So, yesterday I was feeling really cruddy...and I was definitely blaming my little ones.

On Monday I asked my kids to raise their hands if they were sick...and 6 raised their hands. That's 6 out of 12 because one was home sick. HALF!!! Why are they at school?!?! My friend Josh says its because they value dedication and education more than health...he could be right.

I was so tired by the end of the day that I barely even noticed when one of my students sneezed right in my face....

Anyway, today I love these kids. I don't care that they sneeze in my face and say things like, "I'm not doin nuffin for nobody" (my british kid so you can picture that with a truly snobby accent.)

They just took a math test and now they're at their math centers. They are becoming more self-sufficient every day!

PS My kids love Jenga...they say it really fast in excited little asian kid voices "JengaJengaJenga!"

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