Thursday, September 4, 2008

Independence is ours!

We didn't plan on buying a car when we decided to teach abroad. Unfortunately, we live in an area where driving is necessary to get out of our housing development. We had been relying on our coworkers for if we ever needed anything we were forced to wait until someone was going shopping and thought to offer us a ride. Up until this point it hasn't been too big of a deal. (Except for when I was sick and really wanted/needed juice...all we had in the house was water, box milk and San Miguel.)

One of our coworker's husband owns a used car dealership and approached us to see if we wanted a car. She's a really nice lady who goes to church with us. We decided to give it a whirl after our last car hunting fiasco...and the car was really quite we took out a loan from the school and bought it.

It looks a lot like this...only imagine trees in the background as opposed to skyscrapers.

And is it just me or does the fellow driving look remarkably like Jordon?


Unknown said...

That driver looks EXACTLY like Jordon. Anya and I both think so. :)

A Little bit said...

I think it looks like Jordon too.

Hey can you email me your gmail chat name? I hear you're on it alot and so am I, so we need to chat.

Congrats on buying a car!! We miss you guys.